5 Simple Ways To Increase Your Peace Of Mind

Your life is a continuously playing video in your head. Whatever you think and believe shapes your reality. Think on something long enough and believe it hard enough and it becomes your reality. The risks you take, the actions you perform, and your everyday experience of reality shape your life. But I don’t know if I would ever be happy in this state.

This special series designed to empower women to live life fully is under the direction of Barb Schmidt, noted meditation teacher and mindfulness activist. It will feature Barb and guest speakers discussing a range of topics that can enhance inner peace, happiness and well-being. Our minds can turn sometimes into our greatest enemies.

Later you are going to continue to see negativity everywhere. Your world is constantly reflecting your own negativity about yourself back at you. It is a never-ending cycle until YOU change. Many years ago, I was standing in line at a grocery store.

Feel that you are that, you have that, you do that. Change your negative thoughts to positive ones - look back to understand how the negative thoughts formed, then LET THAT SHIT GO. And take on some different thoughts. Less drama, fewer worries, less stress, and positive thoughts. How do you find your inner peace? Is it by meditating in the mountains of the Himalayas?

It is absolutely true that a peaceful life is possible for you. It’s not going to happen by magic, and it might take a while for the changes to settle in. But if you decide to make peace a priority, then you will start to notice that it seeps in everywhere. Where you once saw disharmony and confusion, you now experience peace and ease. God has made it possible to live with inner calmness, regardless of what is happening around you. Remember that God honors seekers.

A key phrase I put in there is “perception of the facts”. Likely you believe that facts are facts. (And there is truth in that.) Yet there is so much that we accept as fact that in reality is based in false perceptions. Our senses can fool us but we believe them anyway.

It can be easy to switch into autopilot, just to get through healing whatever life is putting in our path, but every now and again, we have to reminder to... This is the first time i read this blog, and i find it’s really interesting and refreshing. I wonder how our life often makes ourselves not alive. This technique sounds extremely simple, but you won't believe how much it can instantaneously increase your peace of mind.

Hi Charlotte, first of all, happiness is a choice. From what I’ve learned and experienced, I know that people generally feel as happy or miserable as they want themselves to be over the long run. Scientific studies have further highlighted this fact for instance by investigating the happiness of millionaires and accident victims. You mention some very good ways to find peace of mind. Something else that could be very helpful, is playing an instrument.

When you can see it – when you can realize that truth, when you understand it, your mind will naturally calm down. When you get there, you will stop rehearsing as much, though it will still be a trained habit. It will still clutter your mind from time to time.

You may not even be aware of it, yet it is there. That brief experience – that split second of feeling good about yourself because you are better than someone else or they were wrong and you were right. Petty, egoic ideas that so often run wild in our minds. To make the transition to living a peaceful life, you have to stop thinking it’s somebody else’s fault. You have to stop thinking it is anyone else’s fault.

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